SaaS Readiness

Empower Your Future – Elevate with Seamless Cloud Transition

Embark on a journey to cloud excellence with our comprehensive readiness solutions. Seamlessly transition to a dynamic cloud environment, harnessing the power of innovation for your data-driven future

Thinking of moving to Qlik Cloud?

Here are the things to consider:

  1. Data Security and Compliance:
    • Ensure that Qlik Sense SaaS complies with your organization’s security standards and industry regulations.
    • Understand the data encryption protocols and security measures implemented by the SaaS provider.
    • Qlik follows open and audited processes for security controls as per the security certifications as below:
  2. Data Integration and Connectivity:
    • Assess the platform’s ability to connect to and integrate with your existing data sources, including on-premises databases and cloud-based repositories.
  3. Scalability:
    • Evaluate the scalability of Qlik Sense SaaS to accommodate your organization’s growing data and user requirements.
    • Consider how easily you can scale resources up or down based on your needs.
  4. Performance:
    • Test the performance of Qlik Sense SaaS to ensure it meets your data processing and analysis requirements.
    • Consider factors such as query speed and response times.
  5. User Experience and Interface:
    • Evaluate the user interface and user experience to ensure it aligns with your organization’s usability and productivity requirements.
    • Consider whether your team needs additional training for the new interface.
  6. Collaboration Features:
    • Assess the collaboration features available in Qlik Sense SaaS, such as real-time collaboration, sharing capabilities, and version control for dashboards.
  7. Cost Analysis:
    • Conduct a comprehensive cost analysis, comparing the total cost of ownership for Qlik Sense SaaS with on-premises or alternative cloud-based solutions.
    • Consider licensing fees, subscription costs, and potential savings in infrastructure and maintenance.
  8. Integration with Other Tools:
    • Ensure that Qlik Sense SaaS can seamlessly integrate with other tools and applications your organization uses, such as CRM systems, ERP systems, or collaboration platforms.
  9. Customization and Extensibility:
    • Evaluate the level of customization and extensibility Qlik Sense SaaS offers to tailor the platform to your specific business needs.
  10. Vendor Support and SLAs:
    • Review the support services provided by Qlik for the SaaS offering.
    • Understand the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) regarding system availability, performance, and issue resolution.
  11. Data Backup and Recovery:
    • Confirm the data backup and recovery mechanisms in place to protect against data loss or system failures.
  12. User Training and Adoption:
    • Plan for user training to ensure a smooth transition and adoption of the new platform.
    • Consider creating documentation and resources to support users during the transition.
  13. Migration Plan:
    • Develop a detailed migration plan that includes data migration, testing procedures, and a rollback plan in case of unforeseen issues.

Migration Phases and Approaches

Migrating to Qlik Sense SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) involves careful planning and execution to ensure a smooth transition. Here are common migration approaches and phases:

SaaS Readiness Services

In preparing for your transition to Qlik Cloud, it’s crucial to assess your apps to determine their compatibility with Qlik Cloud deployment. Qlik Cloud offers various capacity tiers tailored to diverse needs. While most apps align with our standard capacity tier, Qlik also offers expanded and dedicated capacity options for larger applications and specialized use cases. 

Key factors to consider when reviewing your apps:

  • App size
  • Reload duration and concurrency
  • Data sources
  • Third-party components – Extensions, GeoAnalytics, Qlik NPrinting, and other integrated solutions
  • Anonymous or OEM use-cases (contact us)
  • Mashups

We offer support in the evaluation process by utilizing our readiness apps to analyze client-managed environments. The SaaS Readiness app, designed for Qlik Sense, is executed on a Qlik Sense Client-Managed site by Qlik, specifically for clients contemplating Qlik Cloud adoption. These apps assess the profile of apps within the environment, categorizing them into suitable Qlik Cloud tiers. They provide insights into session usage, data connection metadata, and tasks and task cadences. These attributes play a vital role in prioritizing and assessing the complexity of your asset migration.

1-week Migration Assessment
Explore a 1-week value assessment and approach workshop with us to evaluate your cloud migration.